One Body Many Members
Heavenpreneurs™ is a message and movement of entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketplace ministers and leaders working to partner with Heaven’s invasion in earth’s commerce and beyond. This happens through aligning in relationship with the Triune God, Heaven’s Kingdom, and doing business with God’s word, will, and ways on the nations’ seven mountains of influence. Plus, being conduits to manifest God’s gifts and talents both spiritually and naturally in the marketplace. We meet through a network of community groups, local to global, training events, and beyond. Giving God all the glory He deserves.
We are looking to expand our vision with entrepreneurs, business owners, marketplace leaders, and mentors who have the heart to start and register their discipleship community chapter in their local business or marketplace.
Click on the button below on how to apply to be a community chapter leader today.
Our Heavenpreneurs discipleship communities range from online to offline. If you’re looking to engage with others beyond the online world into a physical location, who long for more of Heaven on the seven mountains of influence, check out our guidelines below to see if you’re in alignment with our assignment.