Your sponsorship creates a win-win opportunity. It allows our discipleship community network to know that your products and services are from an organization that is of like mind and heart.
It will allow your organization to get in front of potential thousands, tens of thousands, and more; to local and national entrepreneurs, business owners, marketplace ministers, etc. looking to partner and/or purchase from other Kingdom-focused organizations.
In turn, your sponsorship helps us equip, empower, and partner with other business-ministry leaders to establish “Heaven on Earth;” when we do the Father’s business following God’s word, will, and way(s) on the seven mountains of influence in society.
It will help us create and partner with revelatory teachers and trainers, kingdom event coordinators, mentors, and community group leaders, both online & offline to help us expand Heaven on earth together. Prayerfully consider a yearly commitment in one of the following ways:
▪ The Revelatory Sponsorship – Partnering with us as a Revelatory Sponsor shows us you are an organization or individual with a like-minded vision that wants to reveal Heaven On Earth. You see the big picture and the opportunity of what it takes to establish and manifest such a vision from local to global. By being a key financial partner with us in this effort, your sponsorship provides needed funds for us to offset our upfront costs to get the word out through maximum exposure in all our network activities, online and offline events, etc. to our attendees and community members. Join us at a global level to receive limitless media exposure as a sponsor. Your logo will be seen on our Home page and linked to our Sponsors page and then linked to your website, updates campaign will link to our sponsors page, and then an our event’s page, Cost of Investment $1,500.00/month, with one year commitment.
▪ The Barnabas Sponsorship– Barnabas was an early leader in the Christian church through his financial gift to the apostles in Jerusalem (Acts 4:36). He also by the will of God discipled/ mentored the Apostle Paul, who later became a very great influential leader by authoring two-thirds of the New Testament Bible. Your sponsorship at this level, states that you as an organization or individual recognize the importance of your giving for us to get the message out on the importance of raising up mentors/disciplers. To help establish Heaven On Earth in the local businesses/marketplaces where working people spend half of their waking hours. Join us to be Heaven’s Impactor to the nation. Your linked logo to your website will be on our Sponsors’ listing page, updates campaign with link to our sponsors’ page, and our event’s page. Cost of Investment $1000.00/month, with one year commitment.
▪ The Paul Sponsorship – The Apostle Paul assumed leadership when Barnabas spoke up on his behalf (Act 9: 26-28). As one who was discipled and became a mentor, Paul began to take on two primary functions that Jesus modeled in His ministry. Those functions were meeting spiritual and physical needs by teaching and ministering. Paul essentially began to model what was modeled to him through Barnabas. He began to extend his mentorship to Timothy, Silvanus, and Titus (2 Corinthians 1:1, 1 Thessalonians 1:1, and Galatians 3:1). Join us if you are willing to be a major influencer in discipling our podcast listeners. Your logo and name will be on the Sponsors’ listing page for an event session online or a table at our local location. Cost of Investment $600.00/per event
▪ The Timothy Sponsorship – Timothy was Paul’s disciple. He learned what it meant to make a difference in a cause he believed in. Timothy in turn carried the message and mission heavenpreneurs.com/sponsorship while traveling with and without Paul. Join us as we expand Heaven’s Kingdom together as we equip our audience. Your link Logo & Name will be mentioned on a podcast show. Investment $250.00/show
▪ The Believers Sponsorship – Your Logo & Name will be linked to your profile and will be mentioned in a specific community group and their sponsor’s page. This will help us spread the word about our community through marketing efforts. Cost of Investment $150.00/month
*We are about re-establishing God’s rightful place in the marketplace, because “When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices…,” Proverbs 11:10 NIV. Together we can help rebuild how business should be done. Therefore, establishing Heaven on Earth in the marketplace and beyond.
Your sponsorship level can be set up by contacting us at https://heavenpreneurs.com/contact and letting us know your investment level. We in turn will respond with the appropriate purchase link and documents. Thank you for your interest and support, because together we can achieve more.